Career Opportunities

Throughout much of its history, Brantford boasted one of the most stable economies in southern Ontario. The manufacturing sector was especially strong, particularly in the field of heavy duty farming equipment. Then many factories in the area offered ideal employment for those good with their hands, anything from being on the assembly line to material handling. Equipment manufacturer jobs required little education, so high salaries were fairly easy to come by.

The decreased number of farming operations, along with the passing of NAFTA, severely affected the city in the last decades of the 20th century. The bankruptcies of the founding businesses of the community along with the rates of personal bankruptcy sent Brantford realty prices tumbling. However, the New Millennium has seen a new outlook for the town, so those who own real estate can look forward to more opportunities than before. Let's look at a few of the different options.

While the closing of factories and foundries is not good news for those residents of Brantford without a high school diploma, there is hope for those who have received some higher education. Several companies have taken advantage of Brantford's position along some important transportation routes and set up shop in a city with relatively low overhead costs. These companies include Wescast industries, which has its corporate headquarters in the city.


While the days of high end farm equipment may be long passed, there are still products being made in Brantford today which are in turn shipped all around the world. Ferrerro SpA is among these companies. You'll see their products at many celebratory locations, as they specialize in chocolates and other types of confectionaries. The company has both assembly and corporate operations in the city.

Procter & Gamble is another big name company which has operations out of Brantford. This company largely focuses on the production of hygienic goods such as toothpaste, soap, and shaving accessories in its Brantford plant.

Brantford has also recently moved into the manufacturing sector of the high tech industry, with several plants where keyboards and circuit boards are assembled.

City and Service

Keep in mind that Brantford is a city of just under 100,000 people, and that means there are a lot of jobs in the government sectors. Positions are always open for nurses, teachers, municipal workers, lifeguards, and other local positions. Engineers are frequently needed for building projects and utility locating, so there are several high paying careers to look for in the city. And of course, there are always the regular jobs available in a city of this size, from retail store workers to servers.

Home Business?

For enterprising individuals, opportunities can be created virtually anywhere, and that includes Brantford. If you see a need within the city that can be filled, why not think about starting up your own business? This could fit anyone's skill set, whether it is in wedding planning or home construction. Toronto isn't too far away, so chances are you can expand a good business idea in no time!

If you want to browse job possibilities in the Brantford area, try

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Brantford Real Estate

Monday, October 21, 2024